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Deciduous Forest Adaptations

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 species that hibernate in winter
Bees, Adders & Hedgehogs
Why are oak trees spread horizontally?
Ensures leafs capture sunlight
Why are the leafs soft?
Less rainfall=don't need waxy cuticle
How do the leafs change colour in autumn?
Photosynthesis stops, chlorophyll breaks down releasing other pigments.
How do leaves fall off in winter?
Water to leafs cut off in winter by a seal that forms between the leaf and twig
A tree with deep roots to access nutrients
Oak tree
Which nuts are Bitter/Poisonous tannings to stop grazing animals
An adaptation of acorns
Bitter/Poisonous tannings to stop grazing animals
Name a species that helps provide space in the herb layer and what they do.
Grazing Ponies
The name for short life cycle plants like blue bells.
Ephemeral plants
Why do decidious trees loose their leaves in winter?
Cope with Reduction of sunlight and lower temperatures
What causes the leaves to change colour in autumn?
hlorophyll breaking down
Where do swallows migrate to in winter?
South Africa
What is the purpose of hibernation?
Drops Metabolism
What to squirrels aid?