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Go Getter 4 Unit 1 Speaking
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Describe her clothes and appearance. How do you think: what is she like?
Describe his clothes and appearance. How do you think: what is he like?
Describe his clothes and appearance. How do you think: what is he like?
Describe her clothes and appearance. How do you think what is she like? What is she going to do?
Complete the sentence (make it illogical): When he..., he saw an enormous bear.
Complete the sentence (make it funny): While... , he met his future wife.
Continue the sentence (make it logical): When... ...she dropped her handbag into the water.
Continue the sentence (make it funny): When the teacher was writing on the board...
Continue the sentence (make it sad): When Daisy was using her laptop...
Continue the sentence (make it scary): When I was walking in the park...
What do you often wear to school and what do you seldom wear to school? What about holidays?
Name and describe 3 of your favourite clothes and of 2 of your favourite accessories. Where did you buy them? Where do you usually wear them?
What were you doing yesterday in the evening? What about your mum / dad / pets?