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Constellations Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Draw the Great Bear constellation on the board
Draw the Hunter constellation on the board
Draw Taurus the bull constellation on the board
Draw Leo the lion constellation on the board
Draw the Great Dog constellation on the board
Which constellation has a bright star named Sirius?
The Great Dog
What is the brightest star in our sky?
What is a double star?
Two stars that circle one another
Which constellation has a "double star"?
Leo the Lion
How many zodiac constellations are there?
What is the largest constellation in the sky?
The Hunter
Which constellation was named after Orion?
The Hunter
How many stars are in Ursa Minor?
Which constellation looks like it's helping the Hunter?
The Great Dog
Which constellation looks like its fighting the Hunter?
Taurus the Bull
What is the most important star in the solar system?
The Sun
A star is a ball of _____
What star appears to stay still while others orbit around it?
North Star
Name another thing that people use constellations for (not already named)
Calendar, navigation, recognizing stars
Name another thing that people use constellations for (Not already named)
Calendar, navigation, recognizing stars
Name one thing that people use constellations for
Calendar, navigation, recognizing stars
How many constellations are in the sky?
What is another name for Ursa Major?
Big Dipper
What is another name for the Little Dipper?
Ursa Minor
Which constellation has the North Star in It?
Little Dipper
What is the scientific name for the North Star?
What is a constellation?
A group of stars that look like a picture