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Elements and Compounds Quiz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Explain the formation of fluorine and sodium ions.
Explain the bonding of sodium and fluorine ions.
Why do elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar chemical properties?
Write the Avogadro constant without scientific notation.
How does ionic bonding explain the fragility of ionic crystals?
How do atoms in chemical elements bond?
How do noble gases appear in nature?
What is the Avogadro number?
a number
How do you calculate the molar mass of a substance?
Which of these diagrams shows water in its solid, liquid, and gaseous states?
Carbon needs _____ electrons to fill its valence shell.
A ______ bond can be thought of as a structure in which the outermost electrons are shared by all atoms in that structure.
True or False: Substances with very high melting points have particles that are held together by very strong attractive forces.
Why doesn't this crystal break when it's hit?
What is the valence configuration of its valence shell?
True or False: A noble gas can only have four electrons in its outermost shell.
Name 5 noble gases
noble gas names wooo!!
How many moles are there in 20g of chlorine gas?