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Atlantic Revolutions Review

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Usman Dan Fodio's revolution took place in what is now modern...
After the French Revolution, Napoleon called his government a...
Name one European country that did not fall under Napoleon's influence or control.
Great Britain / Russia / Sweden / Portugal
Name one of the key figures from the Haitian revolution.
Toussaint L'ouverture / Jean-Jacques Dessalines / Henry Christophe
What year marked the beginning of the Haitian revolution?
What Napoleonic war had effects that influenced many of the Latin American revolutionary movements?
The Peninsular War
In what year did the Argentinian War for Independence begin?
In what year was the American Declaration of independence signed into being?
Who was the ruler of Great Britain during the American Revolution?
King George III
Name one taxation act that Great Britain imposed on the American colonies.
Sugar Act / Stamp Act / Currency Act / Quartering Act
In what year did México gain its independence through the Treaty of Córdoba?
What was the occupation of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla?
What invention did James Watt make major improvements to in the 1760s?
The steam engine
Name one invention that was key to the Industrial Revolution.
Spinning jenny / water-powered loom / steam engine / locomotives / railroads / cotton gin / telegraph etc.
What crime against Muslims (and all people) did Usman dan Fodio consider to be intolerable?
The slave trade
What was the name of the caliphate that Usman dan Fodio fought to establish?
The Sokoto Caliphate
What country did France declare war on in 1792 due to its intentions to use force to restore Louis XVI to power?
Name one human right included in the "Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen.
Liberty / Property / Security / Resistance to oppression
What year did the "Tennis Court Oath" occur during?
How many "estates" was France's population divided into in the 18th century?
Three (Clergy, Nobles, and everyone else)