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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Your aunt bought your sister a way cooler gift for her birthday than she did for yours.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
You were given a lot of extra chores to do on a week that you have a large project due at school.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
Your teacher keeps assigning new work on you with little instructions and not enough time. Despite working every night, you’re a week behind.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
You are working on a group project, and one member is not completing their portion. You have repeatedly had to finish their work.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
Your friend always cancels plans to play games. You were waiting for them to go on Discord when they messaged saying they couldn’t make it for the 3rd day in a row.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
You don’t agree with the grade you got on your schoolwork.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
Your friend seems to be ignoring you.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
You seem to be doing more chores than your sibling.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
Your friend makes fun of you behind your back.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
You made a new friend recently and they decide they don’t want to be friends anymore. They don’t tell you and instead ghost you and avoid you at school.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
You tell your crush that you like them. They don’t feel the same way about you and they tell a bunch of people.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
You tell your best friend a secret and your best friend shares it with other people.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
One of your friends posts a picture on social media that they cut you out of.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
Your friend spreads a rumor about you that is not true.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.
Your friend group doesn’t want to spend time with you anymore.
I feel ____ when ____ because _____.