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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In this school, you only study in the morning and go home in the evening
Day School
In this school, you stay at the school for the school term
Boarding school
In this subject, you learn about the law and how it works
In this subject, you learn about how the economy work
In this subject, you learn about how to govern a country and the relationship between each nations
In this subject, you learn about ancient life and civilization
What degree do you get for finishing a Doctorate?
What degree do you get for graduating a graduate program?
Master Degree
What degree do you get for graduating an undergraduate program?
Bachelor Degree
How do you call someone who has graduated from a university?
What is the name of the collection of top universities in the USA?
The Ivy League
In this subject, you learn about the nature of life and how it works
In this subject, you learn about different ideologies and how to think
In this subject, you learn about writing and reporting news
In this subject, you learn about the stars and planet
In this subject, you learn how society works
In this subject, you learn how the mind work and how people think