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Argumentative Essay Merced SPAS

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does "refute" mean?
prove a statement or theory to be wrong or false; disprove.
What is another word for counterargument?
What does "opponents" mean?
someone who competes against or fights another in a contest, game, or argument
What is a a personal view, attitude, or appraisal called?
What is it called when you Identify parts of a writing as being derived from a source?
Find the Evidence: Without alcohol, the world would be better. Alcohol is the cause of more deaths in teenagers. The CDC found it caused more than 3,500 deaths and 210,000 years of potential life lost for people under age 21 each year.
The CDC found it caused more than 3,500 deaths and 210,000 years of potential life lost for people under age 21 each year.
Quote: Students who study abroad achieve greater success. They gain valuable cultural and social skills that you cannot learn from a book. A Forbes article said, "Social skills are a top 5 necessary skill necessary for future citizens."
"Social skills are a top 5 necessary skill necessary for future citizens."
Find the Reason: Wild animals should not be bred in captivity. Animals do not thrive long-term in captivity. National Geographic showed that 20% of zoo animals will die in captivity.
Animals do not thrive long-term in captivity.
Find the Claim: Students should be required to do community service. It helps students stand out on college applications. A study reported that in 2020 all top 50 universities in the USA specifically search for it.
Students should be required to do community service.
What is a quote?
to repeat exactly what someone else has said or written
After stating a reason to support your claim, what should you do next?
support it with evidence
What is a response to counterargument called?
What is a position against your claim called?
counterargument or counterclaim
How can you support your claim?
examples, evidence, facts, data, or personal story
Find the Rebuttal: Dogs are the best pets. However some pet owners claim cats are better. They think cats are independent. Yet, cat owners have to clean litter boxes. That's doesn't sound independent to me.
Yet, cat owners have to clean litter boxes.
Find the Counterargument:  I believe students should not have homework. However opponents worry that students will not learn. Yet students learn a lot during the week and need a break. Giving students a break is necessary for learning.
However opponents worry that students will not learn.
What is brainstorming?
To generate ideas without thinking about wrong or right.
What does convince mean?
To persuade or cause a person to change their mind.
What is the claim in an argumentative essay?
The author's opinion or position on a topic.
What is a persuasive essay?
A writing where the author tries to convince a reader to accept their position or opinion.