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Conditionals 0, 1, 2, 3

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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if you (not) come to work yesterday, what consequences (be)?
if you hadn't come to work yesterday, what consequences would have been?
If you (can save) one hundred monkeys by killing one person, you (do) it?
If you could save one hundred monkeys by killing one person, would you do it?
If electricity (not invent), your life (be) different?
If electricity had not been invented, would your life have been different? How?
If you (be) a mayor of your city, what you (change)?
If you were a mayor of your city, what would you change? - answer the question
I would have chosen another Bachelor's degree program ...
If there had not been coronavirus ...
3 conditional
Life would be a lot easier if
2 conditional
If this were Saturday night,
2 conditional
If you send me flowers,
1 conditional
If my home was near a beach,
2 conditional
If I hadn't had breakfast today, ...
3 conditional
If I had woken up late today, ...
3 conditional
If I hadn't done my homework, ...
3 conditional
If we had started our lesson earlier, …
3 conditional
If I didn’t have to go to work tomorrow, …
2 conditional
If I could meet anyone in the world, …
2 conditional
If I could go back in time, …
2 conditional
If my best friend moved abroad, …
2 conditional
I’ll enjoy the weekend unless …
1 conditional
If I don’t get any homework tonight, …
1 conditional
I’ll go shopping on Saturday unless …
1 conditional
If I need help with my homework this evening, …
1 conditional
If I see an interesting film on TV, …
0 or 1 conditional
If my favourite sports team loses, …
0 or 1 conditional
If I get up too late to have breakfast, …
0 or 1 conditional
If I get home, …
0 or 1 conditional