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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A cupboard in the shape of a rectangular prism has a length of 4 feet, a width of 2 feet, and a height of 6 feet. What is the volume of the cupboard?
48 cubic feet
If X = 5 units, Y = 7 units, and Z = 12 units, then what is the volume of the rectangular prism shown above?
420 cubic units
In the rectangular prism above, l = 25 units, w = 12 units, and h = 14 units. What is the volume of the rectangular prism?
4200 cubic units
The solid shown below is made by combining two rectangular prisms. What is the volume of the solid?
6 cubic ft
The solid shown below is made by combining two rectangular prisms. What is the volume of the solid?
94 cubic feet
If each cube in the rectangular prism measures 1 cubic centimeter, what is the volume of the prism?
40 cubic cm
Mike wants to purchase a wall unit, but he needs to determine the volume before buying it. If the wall unit is 3 feet deep, what is the volume of this wall unit?
108 cubic feet
The solid shown below is made by combining two rectangular prisms. What is the volume of the solid?
66 cubic inches
A right rectangular prism has a square base with side lengths of 3 inches and a height of 5 inches. What is the volume of the right rectangular prism?
45 cubic inches
A stick of butter in the shape of a rectangular prism has a length of 6 inches, a width of 2 inches, and a height of 2 inches. What is the volume of the stick of butter?
24 cubic inches
Ben built an underground storage tank to store water in his garden. The depth of the storage tank is 3 feet. What is the volume of Ben's storage tank?
72 cubic feet
In the rectangular prism above, l = 14 feet, w = 7 feet, and h = 7 feet. What is the volume of the rectangular prism?
686 cubic feet
If X = 2 units, Y = 9 units, and Z = 4 units, then what is the volume of the rectangular prism shown above?
72 cubic units
Sean wants to purchase a cabinet, but he needs to determine the volume before buying it. What is the volume of the cabinet?
60 cubic feet
Becca wants to arrange tissues inside the tissue box that is the shape of a rectangular prism. The tissue box has a length of 8 inches, a width of 4 inches, and a height of 4 inches. What is the volume of the tissue box?
128 cubic inches
Britany has just purchased a new purse in the shape of a rectangular prism to match her favorite shoes. The purse has a length of 14 centimeters, a width of 5 centimeters, and a height of 9 centimeters. What is the volume of the purse?
630 cubic centimeters
Marci needs to rent a storage unit. She needs to determine the volume of the storage unit to decide if the unit is big enough to hold her things. If the storage unit is 8 feet high, what the the volume of the unit?
176 cubic feet
A right rectangular prism has a square base with side lengths of 6 inches and a height of 4 inches. What is the volume of the right rectangular prism?
144 cubic inches