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Fundations - Grade 2 syllables, silent e & glued ...

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"Ink" is a glued sound. Write the word "pink" and mark it up!
scoop "pink", box "ink", closed syllable
"Ank" is a glued sound. Write the word "bank" and mark it up!
scoop "bank", box "ank", closed syllable
Where is the glued sound in "handshake"? Write the word and mark it up!
"an" is glued sound. Scoop "hand", box "an" and mark it closed syllable. Scoop "shake", mark it v-e, macron above "a" and cross out /e/
"Ang", "ing," "ong", and "ung" are glued sounds. Which glued sound is in the word "bring"? Write it and mark it!
scoop "bring", write "c" for closed syllable, box "ing" and underline /b/ and /r/ seperately for blends
"Ang", "ing," "ong", and "ung" are glued sounds. Which glued sound is in the word "stung"?
"Ang", "ing," "ong", and "ung" are glued sounds. Which glued sound is in the word "swing"?
"Ang", "ing," "ong", and "ung" are glued sounds. Which glued sound is in the word "song"?
"Ang" is a glued sound. Write the word "bang" and mark it up!
box "ang", scoop the whole word & write "c" under scoop for closed syllalbe
The word "stone" is a _____word. (closed syllable, open syllable or silent e) Write it and mark it up!
silent e - scoop "stone", write v-e under scoop, macron above /o/ and cross out /e/
Which syllable has the glued sounds in "fireman"? Is it "fire" or "man"?
Write the word "basketball". Mark it up! Be careful - there's a glued sound in there!
bas - closed syllable / ket - closed syllable / ball - circle "all", scoop ball and put a /c/ under it
Write the word "sandwich" and box the glued sound.
"an" is the glued sound - box it!
"am", "an", and "all" are called _______ sounds. (open, closed or glued)
glued sounds
Write the word "hamburger" and box the glued sound.
"am" is the glued sound - box it!
Is the word "by" open syllable, closed syllable or silent e? Write it on your board and mark it up!
open syllable!! scoop it, put an "o" under scoop and above the y put /i/ because that's the sound it's making
Grab your dry erase board! ... Is "cupcake" open syllable, closed syllable or silent e? Write the word "cupcake" and mark it up!
It's silent e! Mark it - "cup" = scoop it, closed syllable and put a brev above /u/. "cake" = scoop it, mark v-e under scoop, macron above /a/ and cross out e