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PA Native Americans

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What did the Woodland Indians do that showed that they were spiritual people?
They prayed by dancing and singing..
Who made rules and decisions for the tribe?
Governments and councils.
Why did Woodland Indians trade with other groups?
To get something they did not have.
What is the purpose of legends?
Legends explain how something came to be and teach the history of the tribe.
What was one difference between a wigwam and a longhouse?
A wigwam usually only had one family living in it. A longhouse had several families living in it.
Which of these is larger than a tribe: family? village? clan? nation?
A nation
What group of people came to live in the eastern United States about 3,000 years ago?
The Eastern Woodland Indians
Why were the first people in Pennsylvania called hunter-gatherers?
They traveled to hunt and gather food.
Who were the first people to live in Pennsylvania?
The Paleo Indians