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Ohio 2.5 Frontier Wars
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Goods the the U.S. government gave to the American Indians-
1. $20,000 worth of goods-blankets & animals 2. Promised to give clothes & money each year the Native Americans stayed in northwestern Ohio.
a surprise attack by a small armed force
a partnership or alliance for a specific purpose
After the Treaty of Greenville, Native Americans were given this land to live in. It was too soggy to live on or farm. What was this area?
the Black Swamp
How did the Battle of Fallen Timbers get its name?
The battle took place when a large storm hit the area. It brought down many trees.
__________________ was the last major conflict of the Northwest Territory Indian War between Native Americans and the United States.
The Battle of Fallen Timbers
The Battle of Fallen Timbers lasted only _____________________.
Two hours
Who won the Battle of Fallen Timber?
Fort Greenville
Where 1100 defeated chiefs came to sign the Treaty? __________ _______ . ( North of Cincinnati, near Dayton)
Little Turtle
The Miami Leader who led the Native American confederacy against Americans in St. Clair Defeat.
Battle of Fallen Timbers
The battle between U.S. troops led by Gen. Anthony Wayne and Native Americans led by BlueJacket. Wayne destroyed them.
St Clair's Defeat
Shawnees, led by Little Turtle, surrounded them and almost killed half the people.-greatest Native American victory over an American military force in...
The year the US made peace with the Native Americans and many people settled in the area that is Ohio today
Treaty of Greenville
An agreement making Native Americans in Ohio live only in the northwest part of the state.
Anthony Wayne
He defeated Native American forces at the Battle of Fallen Timbers using different fighting methods and his men overpowered the warriors.
Anthony Wayne (Mad Anthony)
He trained his soldiers and fought in the Battle of Fallen Timbers.
Blue Jacket & Little Turtle
The 2 led the attack on Josiah Harmar and his men that later was called St. Clair's Defeat.
Arthur St. Clair
First governor of the Northwest Territory
Treaty of Fort Harmar
The treaty that divided the Northwest Territory into 2 parts, one for the settlers and one for the Native Americans
true/false-The treaties between Native Americans and settlers did not bring peace.