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Why are they . . . . . . ? Because ....... !

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why must we sit nicely?
Because its good for our body?
Why must we raise our hand?
Because if we all speak at once, no one can hear us
Why must we be nice to each other?
Because fighting is dangerous.
Why must we listen in class?
Because we can't learn if we don't listen.
Why must we only speak English?
Because we must learn to speak in English class.
Why must we be quiet?
Because if we are noisy, no one can listen.
(What is she doing?) She is listening to music?
Because music makes her happy.
(What is he doing?) Why is he reading a comic book.
Because he likes stories.
(What is she doing?) Why she is skating?
Because she likes to keep healthy.
(What are they doing?) Why are they watching movies?
Because they like going to the movies.
(What is she doing?) Why is she watching a DVD ?
Because she likes movies at home.
(What is he doing?) Why is he listening to a cd ?
He likes CD's more than MP3.
(What are they doing?) Why are they shopping?
Because they want new toys.
(What are they doing?) why are they doing it?
They are shopping, because they want new toys.