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What is paraphrasing?
-Paraphrasing is expressing the meaning of something, written or spoken, using different words, especially to achieve greater clarity.
You advised the customer that we will need a receipt or proof of purchase. The customer wants to know the reason why you need that.
-This is a required document to validate the warranty. -Is for us to check the available options for your device.
You informed the customer that after completing the troubleshooting process, service is needed. The customer says "what do you mean with that?"
-A technician needs to take care of your unit. -We need to check the warranty options of your unit.
Why is paraphrasing important in customer service?
-Paraphrasing assures customers that they are being listened to and understood. -It ensures that the representative is able to understand the customer's request
You asked the customer if the device is up to date but the customer asked you "why is this needed?" How would you explain this?
-This is something that may fix the problem that you are having. -To avoid any possible problem on your device..
You asked for the deviceĀ“s model number and the customer says, ā€œI have no idea what a device model number isā€. How would you explain this to the customer?
-Is the number that identifies your unit. -ItĀ“s a code that has (letters and numbers), it may start with...