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Communication Breakdowns

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Person 1: Hi, what's your name? Person 2: I'm new here
Yes! How could they fix it?
Person 1: What time is it? Person 2: It's January 22nd
Yes! How could they fix it?
Person 1: Do you have an appointment? Person 2: January 27th
Yes! How could they fix it?
Person 1: Do you have any allergies? Person 2: I broke my thumb once.
Yes! How could they fix it?
Person 1: Dinosaurs are the coolest! Person 2: Let's play outside.
Yes! How could they fix it?
Person 1: You hurt my feelings! Person 2: Did you say something?
Yes! How could they fix it?
Person 1: I don't feel very good. Person 2: Oh No! What's wrong?
No communication breakdown here.
Person 1: My team won 2nd place Person 2: Congratulations!
Nope, that's an accurate response.
Mom: How was school today? Kid:Can we have chicken nuggets for dinner?
Yes! How could they fix it?
Person 1: Do you want something to drink? Person 2: I'll have a salad please.
Yes! How could they fix it?
Person 1: I would like a cheeseburger and fries. Person 2: Chicken sandwich and fries coming right up.
Yes! How could they fix it?
Tammy: We won 2nd place yesterday! Frankie: Congrats, what was the competition? Did a communication breakdown occur?
Mason: I need to sit down, I don't feel well. Mark: Why are you sitting down? Did a communication breakdown occur?
Yes, how could they fix it?
Sara: I can't believe it's so nice outside today! Lucas: I want to go to get something to eat. Did a communication breakdown occur?
Yes, how could they fix the communication breakdown?
Nate: Can I have 3 cheeseburgers with ketchup? Summer: So you would like 2 hamburgers with mayo? Did a communication breakdown occur?
Yes, how could they repair the breakdown?
Jade: I can't wait for this weekend! Brandon: What are your plans? Did a communication breakdown occur?
No! Good Communication!
Ian: Can I please have a new pencil? Dan: I don't have a marker. Did a communication breakdown occur?
Yes, how can they fix it?
Anna: I don't want to go. Tracy: What is moving slow? Did a communication breakdown occur?
Yes, how could they repair it?
Lauren: I am craving tacos for dinner. Emily: Let's go to that new Mexican place! Did a communication breakdown occur?
Molly: I need a napkin please. Jenny: I'm sorry, I don't know what you mean. Did a communication breakdown occur?
Yes, how could they repair it?
Tim: My head hurts. Alex: I'm sorry would you like to go to the doctors?
No breakdown!
Lisa: The party starts at 7 tonight. Please bring a snack to share. Sammi: Okay, I can bring a pie. Did a communication breakdown occur?
Yes, how could they repair it?
Maddy: I need to talk with a manager please. Susan: What? Did a communication breakdown occur?
Yes, how could they repair it?
Costumer: Do you have this shirt in a size large? Employee: I can check to see if we have any extra-larges. Did a communication breakdown occur? Did a communication breakdown occur?
Yes, how could they repair it?
Tommy: I need to make an appointment. Receptionist: What time would you like to make your appointment? Did a communication breakdown occur?
Jason: What time is lunch? Mrs. Smith: We will go to the library at 1:00 pm. Did a communication breakdown occur?
Yes, how could Jason repair his communication breakdown?