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5th Grade - Dividing Decimals Review Game

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mike bicycled 82.5 miles in 9 hours. Which is the best estimate of the average number of miles she bicycled each hour? (choices: About 8 miles / About 9 miles / About 0.9 miles)
About 9 miles
A bakery used 475 pounds of apples to make 1,000 apple tarts. Each tart contains the same amount of apples. How many pounds of apples are used in each tart?
Each tart used 0.475 of a pound of apples.
Using compatible quotients, which division sentence could help you solve "57.2 divided by 8"? (choices: 54 divided by 9 OR 56 divided by 8)
56 divided by 8
Using compatible quotients, which division sentence could help you solve "36.6 divided by 7"? (choices: 36 divided by 6 OR 40 divided by 8)
36 divided by 6
Mom gave you $10.00 to buy balloons for a party. If each balloon cost $1.60 with tax, how many balloons could you buy?
6 (the divided answer is 6.25 but you can't buy 0.25 of a balloon so we round down to 6 balloons)
You and your 3 friends go to Carvel for ice cream. You pay for everyone & spent a total of $20.00. The tax was $1.20 and you had a coupon for $3.00 off the total cost. If each of your ice creams cost the same amount, how much did 1 cost?
$3.95 each
In a division problem with decimals, you should first always ___. (choices: start dividing the numbers OR move the decimal if needed)
move the decimal if needed
The answer to a division problem is known as the ___. (choices: dividend / divisor / quotient)
1.47 divided by 0.7 is ____
You are in charge of buying popcorn for the class movie party. You buy 4 large bags of popcorn that cost a total of $12.08. How much did each bag of popcorn cost?
$3.02 for each bag of popcorn
Mom bought GIANT gummy bears for you and your sister. She spent a total of $9.20. How much did she spend on each GIANT gummy bear?
$4.60 on each gummy bear
3.66 divided by 6 is ____.
1.2 divided by 3 is ___.
16 divided by 4 is ____.