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Comparative adjectives
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PE is … (interesting) … Science.
more interesting
Paul is … (old) … his sister.
older than
Winter is … (cold) … summer.
colder than
Mandy is … (small) … a building.
smaller than
A turtle is … (slow) … a rabbit.
slower than
A horse is … (short) … a giraffe.
shorter than
A chair is … (big) … a pen.
bigger than
Building a snowman is … (exciting) than studying.
more exciting
Ariana Grande is … (famous) than Dua Lipa.
more famous
Mountain climbing is … (dangerous) than running.
more dangerous
A waterfall is … (beautiful) than a hill.
more beautiful
Ice cream is … (delicious) than broccoli.
more delicious
Playing video game is … (interesting) than doing homework.
more interesting
An iPhone is … (expensive) than a toothbrush.
more expensive
Golf is … (boring) than tennis.
more boring
Math is … (difficult) than English.
more difficult
Donna is … (happy) than Jack.
A feather is … (light) than a book.
Anna is … (loud) than Nicole.
John is … (tall) than Andy.
USA is … (big) than Croatia.
Summer is … (hot) than spring.
A mouse is … (small) than the cat.
The river Amazon is … (long) than the river Nile.
Your mom is … (old) than you.
An elephant is … (strong) than an ant.