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My eyes are blur when I don´t wear glasses. What is the meaning of ¨blur¨?
something that you cannot see clearly
Act out the meaning of ¨ward off¨. (Show the meaning through actions)
to keep something or someone away
Maria is from the Philippines, but she will live in Spain for one month. Is she an immigrant?
No, she isn´t.
What is a bonfire?
a large fire that is made outside
What does ¨spooky¨ mean in this sentence? Ana´s house is spooky.
something scary or strange
How did the pumpkin become the new face of Jack-O-Lantern?
when the Irish immigrants entered America
What was the original Jack-O-Lantern?
a turnip
What is the meaning of Halloween?
hallowed evening or holy evening
What would they do during the festival?
wear costumes and light bonfires
What do you call the festival that they did to protect themselves from the ghosts?
Festival of Samhain
What did they celebrate on November 1st?
New Year
Where did the Celts live?
Who started the Halloween?
the Celts