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Oxford Reading Tree - Submarine Adventure

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why couldn't the professor collect the diamonds?
falling rocks
What was Biff's joke at the end of the book?
She pretended to be deaf
What did they find in the cave?
Where did the submarine go underwater that rhymes with 'save'?
What did the submarine nearly hit at the bottom of the sea?
In this story Chip had a red jumper on, Wilma had a yellow jumper on and Wilf had a green jumper on. What colour was Biff's jumper?
Describe Professor Tangle.
Old, white hair, glasses, green shirt, bow tie
What did they see outside the submarine window?
When Chip asked, "Will we dive deep?" what did Professor Tangle hear?
Can we sleep?
When Biff yelled, "Things might go wrong" what did Professor Tangle hear?
sing a song
What word do we use to describe when words sound alike?
rhyming words
What noise did the submarine make?
glub, glub, glub.
When Wilf said, "How do you do", what did Professor Tangle hear?
We are your crew
What did Wilf get for his birthday?
Toy submarine
Who celebrated a birthday at the beginning of the story?
What is the setting of this book?
Under the sea, submarine
Who are the main characters in this book?
Biff, Chip, Wilf, Wilma and Professor Tangle