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Character Setting Problem

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which is a problem?
The kids both want the doll.
The kids swing.
Which is a problem?
The boy wants candy.
The boy has candy.
Which is a problem?
The girl wants a dog.
The castle is big.
Which is a problem?
The girl wants a friend.
The girl is happy.
Which is a problem?
The woman is lost.
The ocean is blue.
Which is a problem?
The man is lost.
The cat naps.
Which is a problem?
The man is confused.
The grass is green.
Which is a problem?
The dog runs away.
The woman is happy.
Which is a problem?
The boy is sad.
The turtle is green.
Which is a problem?
A fight is a problem.
A building is a problem.
Where is the setting?
The playground is the setting.
The tiger is the setting.
Where is the setting?
The jungle is the setting.
Nemo is the setting.
Where is the setting?
The ocean is the setting.
The king is the setting.
Where is the setting?
The forest is the setting.
The queen is the setting.
Where is the setting?
The palace is the setting.
The fox is the setting.
Where is the setting?
The farm is the setting.
The kids are the setting.
Where is the setting?
The castle is the setting.
The girl is the setting.
Where is the setting?
The mountain is the setting.
The hen is the setting.
Where is the setting?
The house is the setting.
The robot is the setting.
Where is the setting?
Space is the setting.
The boy is the setting.
Who is a character?
The tiger is a character.
The jungle is a character.
Who is a character?
Nemo is a character.
The ocean is a character.
Who is a character?
The queen is a character.
The palace is a character.
Who is a character?
The king is a character.
The castle is a character.
Who is a character?
A fox is the character.
The forest is the characte.
Who is a character?
The kids are the characters.
The mountain is the character.
Who is a character?
The girl is a character.
The playground is a character.
Who is a character?
The hen is a character.
The farm is a character.
Who is a character?
A robot is a character.
Space is a character.
Who is a character?
A boy is a character.
A house is a character.