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Finally Something Mysterious - Chapter 10 Review
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"Shanks, Peephole and Paul" the 3 Amigos of Bellwood." What type of figurative language is this? (metaphor / simile / personification / alliteration)
metaphor - comparing 2 things without using "like" or "as"
"My dad uses duct tape to fix everything! A hole in my bike tire, a crack in the window...he would patch a swimming pool with it if we had one." What type of figurative language is this? (idiom / metaphor / simile / hyperbole)
hyperbole - extreme exaggeration
"Dad sold Darrell dark, dotted duct tape" is what type of figurative language? (simile / metaphor / hyperbole / alliteration / idiom)
alliteration - repetition of /d/ sound
New clues were revealed in chapter 10. Tell 1 of them.
Darrell Sullivan went to hardware store to get tail light and Bella Tuff & Babbage know each other
Open your book to any page in chapter 10 and tell me 5 verbs you see.
answers vary (verb is action word)
What did dad sell Darrell Sullivan from the hardware store?
duct tape to patch up his tail light
On p. 106 we learn some information about a new suspect, Darrell Sullivan. Dad says he comes into the hardware store often. Tell 3 things dad shares about him.
prom king in high school, had lots of jobs but never got rich on any of them, now is truck driver for toy company, looked tired & frazzled
Dad reminisces about the old "drive-in" location where the big store is going to be built. What is a "drive-in"?
movie theatre on a big screen in a parking lot and you watch the movie from your car
Someone came into the hardware store looking for a replacement tail light. Who was it?
Darrell Sullivan
Paul's parents share a photo from an old yearbook. Paul was shocked to see a picture of 2 people together at prom. Who were they?
Bella Tuff & Mr. Babbage
If I didn't know what "conquistador" meant, we could look for a ROOT we know within the word. What root might help you with this word?
"conqu" which we've seen in words like conquer / conquerer / conquering - probably has to do with having power
WHAT is the "Conquistador"?
A big store that sells lots of things... like Walmart & Target.
Why don't Paul's parents panic about the ducks in Babbage's yard?
They believe it was just a prank.
Why didn't Paul tell his mom & dad too much about the investigation?
He didn't want them to worry about him sneaking around town at night, might ground him and would call Shanks' & Peepholes' parents too
The title of this chapter is "Not a Who But a What." Why did the author give it that title?
The "what" is the "Conquistador" that is being built in the town. It is going to take business away from many small stores in Bellwood.