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Food riddles

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I'm long and thin, made from wheat or rice. Boil me, top me with sauce, and it's really nice. If you slurp me, I'll make your face red. What am I?
I'm a vegetable. Children don't like to eat me, but I'm healthy. I look like a little tree. What am I?
I'm a vegetable. You cut me, chop me, dice me, and cry over me. What am I?
I mix milk, it's delicious, always for breakfast
What has eyes but cannot see?
If you go see a movie, you have to get some of this. And then add butter or salt for a taste that’s simply bliss.
This is something that grows on a tree It is a fruit that is green or red It’s said gravity was discovered When one of these fell on Newton’s head
This fruit is made of two words conjoined The first part of it is also a tree The second part is a different fruit And goes on a pizza from Hawaii
I'm a drink. I'm white. I'm good for breakfast.
I am something yellow but not a light. A citrus fruit that's a flavour in Sprite. What am I?
I am a bird, I am a fruit and I am a person. What am I?
I am a swimming pool inside but brown and very hard on the outside, who am I?
You break me before you eat me, who am I?
I am a room that can eat, who am I?
I can become 3 different colors: purple, green, red. Everyone can take me as wine, who am I?
I am very cold and very sweet, I have many different flavors and people can add more spices, who am I?
ice cream
I'm a sweet food that many people like, I'm mostly brown or white, who am I?
I'm very big but it's very sweet to eat. Green on the outside, red on the inside, who am I?
I am the fruit and I am also the color, who am I?
I'm yellow and curvy, what am I?
Strangely enough, the fruit also has antennae. The seeds are evenly arranged front and back. Wearing a silk shirt with a white and yellow body. It's not called a fruit even though it's on the tree - What is it?
I'm green, I have a brown baby in my belly, what am I?
If you drink me, you will become alert, what am I?
I'm orange and have one big head and one small head, what am I?