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Genetics revision

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A male with the AB bloodtype is crossed with a female of a O bloodtype, what are the potential phenotypes of the offspring?
Bloodtypes A and B.
Bloodtypes AO and BO
Bloodtypes AB, OO
Bloodtypes AB, A, B, and O
In which scenario is a 4x4 punnet square needed?
Dihybrid cross
Monohybrid cross
Sex-linked cross
Polygenic cross
Diabetes has been found to be inherited (in some cases) through a recessive allele. What is the chance that a heterozygous father and a diabetic mother will have a diabetic child?
What is the correct definition of inheritance?
The passing down of traits from parent to offspring.
The traits of each generation.
The phenotypes of offspring.
The phenotypes of parant generations.
The picture attached is an example of what kind of inheritance?
Incomplete dominance
Multiple alleles
Polygenic inheritance
Four' o' clock flowers come in three colours: Red, white (homozygous) and pink (heterozygous). What type of inheritance is this?
Incomplete dominance
Polygenic inheritance
Multiple alleles
Brown eyes are dominant to blue eyes. Assuming two heterozygous individuals are crossed together, what phenotype ratio would we expect from the offspring?
75% brown, 25% blue
50% brown, 50% blue
100% brown
75% blue, 25% brown
Meiosis is a type of cell division that produces: