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Junior Explorer 4 - Unit 4 revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Tam sÄ…) chairs in this classroom.
There are
Kosz na śmieci jest pod zlewem.
A bin is under the sink.
Nóż jest na stole.
A knife is on the table
Where are you now? Name 3 locations!
on a chair/ in the bedroom/ in front of the desk ???
Rękawica kuchenna jest pod krzesłem.
A potholder is under the chair.
Dywanik jest przed wannÄ…
A rug (carpet...) is in front of the bath.
Pościel łóżko.
Make your bed.
PosprzÄ…taj teraz!
Tidy up now!
Co za bałagan!
What a mess!
Żyrafa jest za szafą.
A giraffe is behind the wardrobe.
Obrazy są nad łóżkiem.
The pictures are above the bed.
Lampa jest między łóżkiem a oknem.
A lamp is between the bed and the window,
(Tam sÄ…/ Tam nie ma) apples on the table.
There are / there aren't
(Tam jest/ Tam nie ma) a dog in the living room.
There is / there isn't
Pralka jest w Å‚azience
A washing machine is in the bathroom.
Zmywarka jest w kuchni
A dishwasher is in the kitchen.
It is large and it's in the bedroom. We keep clothes in it.
a wardrobe