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Country and Nationality

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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每天 mei tian
我在新加坡出生, 但是在印尼长大。wo zai xinjiapo chusheng, danshi zai yinni zhangda. Translate this sentence!
I was born in Singapore, but grew up in Indonesia
但是 (dan shi)
But; tetapi
他们现在住在哪儿? ta men xian zai zhu zai naer? What's the meaning of this question?
Where do they live now?
How to ask someone's nationality in Mandarin?
你是哪国人? ni shi na guo ren
Nelson Mandela's focused on destroying the Apartheid government in this country, which had focused on racial segregation enforced by the law.
南非 (nan fei)South Africa
This country is the second-largest country in Europe by land area.
乌克兰 (wu ke lan) Ukraine
Trains are some of the most punctual in the world in this country. Say the country's name in Mandarin!
日本 Ri ben
How to say 'I am South Korean‘ in Mandarin
我是韩国人 (wo shi han guo ren)
Ho Chi Minh City, formerly known as Saigon is the most populous city in this country
越南 (yue nan) Vietnam
埃及人 (ai ji ren)
There are over 1,000 windmills in this country.
荷兰 (he lan) Netherland
This country is home to a huge dragon
印度尼西亚 (yin du ni xi ya) Indonesia
This country has the tallest twin buildings in the world. Say this country's name in Mandarin out loud!
马来西亚 (Ma lai xi ya) Malaysia
Cows are sacred in thos country. Say this country's name in Mandarin out loud!
印度 (yin du) India
The largest country in the world, occupies one-tenth of all the land on Earth.
俄罗斯 (e luo si) Russia
The only area of the region that was not colonized by the Europeans
泰国 (tai guo) Thailand
Ratatouille is one of the most famous dish from ..... (Say the country's name in Mandarin!)
法国 (fa guo) France
Berlin wall is located in this country. Say the country's name in Mandarin!
德国 (de guo) Germany
The King/Queen from this country doesn’t have a passport. Say the country's name in Mandarin!
英国 (ying guo) Britain / England
Known for its diverse and vibrant culture, its commitment to freedom and democracy. Say this country's name in Mandarin!
美国 (mei guo) America / USA