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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of the American television show that follows a group of medical interns and debuted in 2005?
Grey's Anatomy
What was the British band known for hits like "Clocks" and "Fix You" that rose to fame in the 2000s?
Which country hosted the 2002 FIFA World Cup along with South Korea?
Which pop artist released her debut album "Baby One More Time" in 1999, but became famous in the 2000s?
Britney Spears
Where was Dalí born?
Which is the TV show that tells the story of a group of friends called: Monica, Ross, Rachel, Joey, Chaendler and Phoebe?
Who is considered the "King" of tennis and has won 20 Grand Slam titles?
Roger Federer
What was the name of Leonardo DiCaprio's character in "Titanic"?
Jack Dawson
Where was sushi invented?
In Japan
Which is the capital of the country where "Mamma Mia" was filmed?
Athens (Capital of Greece)
Which is the capital of Morocco?
Who wrote the masterpiece "Romeo and Juliet"?
William Shakespeare
When the Spanish Civil War started?
In 1936
Who is the youngest spanish boy getting a million streams in the shortest period?
Iñigo Quintero
Which is the only sport in the Olympic Games that allows the participation of men and women in mixed teams?
Beach Volley
Which treaty made the First World War end?
The Versalles treaty
Which the potassium chemical symbol?
A 'K'
Which is the longest river on earth?
The Amazon River
Who is the creator of the Harry Potter's universe?
J.K Rowling