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Speed, Time, Distance

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A snail crawled from Point A to Point B,which was 216 m away, in 20 minutes. It then took 12 minutes to crawl from Point B to Point C, which was 2/5 of the total distance it crawled. What was the average speed for the whole journey in m/min
Mr Choi drove for 2 1/2 h at a speed of 72 km/h. He then drove another 240 km. He took 6 hours for the whole journey. (1) Find the total distance Mr Choi had driven. (2) Find Mr Choi’s average speed for the whole journey in km/h.?
(1) 420 km (2) 70 km/h
The distance between City X and City Y is 280 km. The distance between City Y and City Z is 238 km. A bullet train takes 54 minutes to travel from City X to City Y and another 51 minutes to travel from City Y to City Z. Average speed?
Mrs. Tan drove for 4 hours from Kuala Lumpur to Penang at an average speed of 70 km/h. On the return journey, Mrs. Tan traveled at an average speed of 55 km/h. Would it take her faster or slower to reach Kuala Lumpur? Explain?
slower, he travelled at the slower speed over the same distance.
Mrs Yeo took a flight from Singapore to Bangkok at 05:30. The average speed for the journey is 144 km/h. The distance between Singapore and Bangkok is 720 km. What time did Mrs Yeo reach Bangkok?
A bee can fly at an average speed of 54 km/h. How many minutes will it take to fly a distance of 9 km?
360 Minutes
Mrs. Frank drove from her home to the airport to drop off her husband and then returned home immediately. The entire round trip took her 2.6 hours, and she maintained a constant speed of 80 km/h. What was the distance between their home and
104 km
Mrs George goes for a morning walk and covers a distance of 9000 meters. If she walks at a speed of 2 km/h, calculate the time in hours and minutes it takes for her to finish her walk.
4 Hours 30 Minutes
What is the formula of “Average Speed”?
Average Speed = Total Distance : Total Time
What is the formula of “Time”?
Time = Distance : Speed
What is the formula of “Speed" ?
Speed = Distance : Time
What is the formula of “Distance”
Distance = Speed x Time