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Africa unit 1 test review

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Which 2 ethnic groups are the most similar?
Arab and Swahili
Which ethnic group is letter D?
Which ethnic group is letter C?
Which ethnic group is letter B?
Which ethnic group is letter A?
A group of people who have a common spiritual belief system is a(n) _______ group.
A group of people who share a common ancestry, culture, traditions, customs, etc., is a(n) _______ group.
True or False-Removing trees for farmland and commercial logging are causes of deforestation in Africa
True or False-Deforestation can cause desertification
What are the effects of desertification in Africa?
less food, less livestock, less jobs, people have to move to the city
What are the EFFECTS of deforestation
less animal habitats, less oxygen, desertification, more carbon dioxide, less medicines
Which African region has faced problems resulting from increasing desertification over the last several decades?
Since the 1990s, more than 90% of West African rainforests have been cut down. What is this process called?
What are the 3 causes of water pollution?
human waste/sewage, industrial waste, agricultural runoff
Which of the following reasons are why farming is so difficult in the Sahel? deforestation, desertification, water pollution
Which 2 industries has been hurt by Africa's water pollution problem? Fishing, Mining, Farming, Logging
fishing and farming
Why is the population of the Sahara and Sahel so low?
little farmland, little water, hot and arid, less jobs
Which 2 African regions are sparsely populated?
Sahara and Sahel
If you were a farmer in Africa, what would be the best 2 regions for you to live and work?
savanna and tropical rainforest
The coastal climate of this feature in northern Africa is much less harsh than in the nearby desert
Atlas Mountains
This region is where some of Africa's most populated cities located
Which region is being described: "Very few people live here because climate is too hot, water is scarce, and it is impossible to farm"?
What physical feature is this?
Lake Victoria
What country is this?
South Africa
What country is this?
What country is this?
What physical feature is this?
Mount Kilimanjaro
What physical feature is this?
Kalahari Desert
What physical feature is this?
Niger River
What physical feature is this?
Nile River
What physical feature is this?
tropical rainforest
What physical feature is this?
What physical feature is this?
What physical feature is this?
What country is this?
What physical feature is this?
Great Rift Valley
What country is this?
What physical feature is this?
Atlas Mountains
What physical feature is this?
Congo River
What country is this?
Democratic Republic of Congo