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RED Term Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A plastic hand is ______________________ as a steel one. (STRONG)
not as strong as
My mum´s tablet was very expensive. Mine was __________________.
cheaper / less expensive
This prosthetic aesthetic hand is _____________________ in the world. (BEAUTIFUL)
the most beautiful
This prosthetic hand is _____________________ in the world. (STRONG)
the strongest
My phone is _______________ than my brother´s. (GOOD)
What is this?
Power Bank / Portable Charger
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
Earphones / Earbuds
What is this?
Prosthetic Arm
FOOD ______________________ AND TURNED INTO COMPOST. (recycle)
Food is recylced and turned into compost.
THE LESSONS ______________ IN ENGLISH. (teach)
The lessons are taught in English.
THE PLASTIC ____________ BY THE MACHINE. (cut)
The plastic is cut by the machine.
If the students (WORK) well, the teacher (LET) them play games at the end. (1st Conditional))
If the students work well, the teacher will let them play games at the end.
What is a film script?
A document that tells the actors what to say and how to act. It also helps guide the director.
Who is the person who uses a camera to record the film?
The camera operator
What are the three "R's" from the Urban Renewal magazine?
Reduce, reuse and recycle
If we (PROVIDE) lots of recycling bins, there (BE) so much rubbish. (2nd Conditional)
If we provided lots of recycling bins, there wouldn't be so much rubbish
Can you name five film genres?
Comedy, western, sci-fi, romance, drama, animation, etc.
Name 5 things you can do in a park
Go jogging, go rowing, have a walk, have a picnic, relax, play with your friends, read a book, go running...
What film genre makes you laugh?
What is this called?
A skatepark
What is the name of the place where you plant vegetables?
Community garden (also allotment)
What's the name of the person who writes a script?
A writer
Name 5 features in a park
Fountain, community garden, running track, lake, benches, picnic tables, trees, paths...
If we (PLANT) lots of trees, people (HAVE) plenty of shade to walk under. (Second Conditional)
If we planted lots of trees, people would have plenty of shade to walk under.
What type of film has aliens and time machines?
Sci-fi (Science Fiction)