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Food/ dish / meal - FCE

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Snake soup is a dish eaten mostly throughout ...
Taco is a ... dish consisting of a small hand-sized corn- or wheat-based tortilla topped with a filling.
Nutritionists advise having at least three ... a day.
... waste is a common problem and people don't really do much to prevent it.
Most Korean ... have rice as one of the ingredients.
... should be eaten only in the morning or at noon, when the metabolic rate is usually at it's peak.
Heavy meals
Most people go for ... in the evening in order to improve sleep and digestion.
light meals
I usually choose to have a ... meal in the morning because I don't have time to eat lunch until 3 p.m.
... meals are extremely important for children who are still growing,
I tend to cook ... during the week since I don't have time to spend on elaborate ones.
simple meals
My mum is really crazy about Chrismas dinners so she cooks these very ... just to impress the guests
elaborate dishes
Most people can't afford ... because it's usually really expensive.
organic food
Our ... was cut off because we forgot to pay the suppliers.
food supply
Since I don't have a lot of time to cook, I mostly rely on ... like frozen pizza or canned food
convenience food
Plants and animals are a great ...
food source
During The Great Depression, many people suffered from starvation due to ...
food shortage