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Celebrating Nelson Mandela

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How long did Apartheid last? How was it stopped?
from 1948 until 1992 when Mandela became president
What was written on the RESTROOMS signs for Rosa Parks?
When was the Civil Rights Act passed? In which country?
in 1968
What is a boycot?
A pacific protest. Examples.....
Who died last among the 4 activists for civil rights?
Rosa Parks in 2005. She was 92.
When could African Americans vote for the first time in the USA?
in 1965.
What was Mr. King's dream?
Freedom and equality for all americans
What does everybody remember about Martin Luther King's speach?
The sentence "I have a dream.."
What did Mr. King do as a job?
He was a church minister.
Martin Luther King was born in South Africa
No, he was american
Rosa Parks..... what did she do and why?
When was Rosa Parks born? in which state?
1955, Alabama USA
What is the meaning of "Separate but Equal"?
IN the USA african Americans had to live separate lives from other Americans....ex...
What happened to Ghandi in 1948?
He was assassinated by a Hindu nationalist.
What is the SALT MARCH? When and where did it happen?
in 1930.....
Why was Ghandi released from prison?
The governement was afraid he could die because he was not eating. This would have started a popular revolution
What was Ghandi fighting for and where.
Freedom of India from the british governement
Where did Ghandi studied law?
In London
Who was the leader that inspired Mandela?
Ghandi was an important example for Mandela and other leaders
Who was born before Ghandi or Mandela?
Ghandi 1869 - Mandela 1918
What is the name of the book by Mandela mentioned in the article?
Long walk to Freedom
Who freed Mandela from prison?
President De Klerk
What happened in 1960 in Sharpeville?
The police killed 69 people
In what year did apartheid start?
What was apartheid?
It was a system of racial oppression that existed in South Africa until the 1990s.
In what year did Nelson Mandela go to prison?
In 1993 Mandela was awarded...
Nobel Peace Prize
The Pulitzer Prize
The Booker Prize
Officially, why was Nelson Mandela arrested?
For conspiring to overthrow the state.
How many years did Nelson Mandela serve in prison?
27 years
32 years
19 years
22 years
When did Nelson Mandela become President of South Africa?
May 10, 1994
What is Mandela's birth name?
Rolihlahla Mandela
When was Nelson Mandela born?
July 18, 1918