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Present simple and present continuous tense

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She (not talk) ............................. to her at present
She isn't talking to her friends at present
Where ........................ your new friend (live) ............................., Nga?
Where does your new friend live Nga?
We (not drive) ............................. to work every day. We (go) ............................. by bus.
We don't drive to work every day. We go by bus.
He (like)_____________APPLES, but he (not like)_____________________bananas.
He likes APPLES, but he doesn't like bananas.
Mr. Quang (live)____________in the countryside. He (have)__________a big garden.
Mr. Quang lives in the countryside. He has a big garden.
My father (go)___________ to work by bike. Sometimes he(walk)______________.
My father goes to work by bike. Sometimes he walks .
Ha (like) ______________ coffee very much, but I (not like) ______________it.
Ha likes coffee very much, but I don't like it.
She (go)_______________to supermarket to buy some food now?
Is she going to supermarket to buy some food now?
My son (Go)________________to school by bike
My son goes to school by bike
What _____________she (do) _________________at 7.00 am?
What does she do at 7.00 am?
_______________ he (watch) ______________ TV at 7.00 every morning?
Does he watch TV at 7.00 every morning?
Duc Bo sometimes (get up) ___________________ at 6.00 in the morning
Duc Bo sometimes gets up at 6.00 in the morning
Hung and his friend (play) _______________ badminton twice a week.
Hung and his friend play badminton twice a week.
At the moment, I(read)_______________ a book and my brother (watch)_______ TV.
At the moment, I am reading a book and my brother is watching TV.
My father (read)__________________________ a newspaper in the morning
My father is reading a newspaper in the morning
Every night, We (go)________________________ to bed at 10 PM
Every night, we go to bed at 10 PM
Listen! My mother (sing)________________________a song.
Listen! My mother is sing a song.