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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What does adding "ed" to a verb indicate?
Adding "ed" to a verb indicates the action occurred in the past.
What does adding "ing" to a verb indicate?
Adding "ing" to a verb indicates the action is taking place in the present.
How should a sentence begin and end? ?
A sentence should begin with a capital letter and end with a punctuation mark.
It is 1:00 pm at Ross. Third grade lunch starts at 12:35 pm and ends at 1:05pm. It is now 1:00 pm. How much time to eat does third have left?
5 minutes
What is a verb?
A verb is an action word.
When completing an assessment and you don't know the answer to a question what can you do ?
Skip the question and go back once you have answered all the questions you could.
When given a text to read and answer questions based on that text name a strategy that can be used.
Read the questions first, underline information when reading that supports the claim, number the sentences to correspond with the answers.
Olive started her homework at 4:30 pm and she was done by 4:30 pm. How long did it take Olive to complete her homework?
30 minutes
When a math problem is asking you to find the "sum" are you adding, subtracting, multiplying, or dividing ?
Is 1/2 equivalent to 2/4 ? Why or why not?
Yes, it is equivalent. Both represent one half of a whole.
What is a fraction ?
A fraction is a piece of a whole.
Ross Elementary School is a special place. Is Ross Elementary School a noun or pronoun?
What is a pronoun ?
A pronoun is the name of a specific person, place or thing.
What dies an adjective describe?
An adjective describes a noun or pronoun .
What is an adjective ?
An adjective is a describing word .
To conclude your writing what words can be used? Name five .
all in all, as a result, finally, in conclusion, in summary, in brief, lastly, overall, therefore, to sum up
What is a noun?
A noun is the name of a person, place or thing .
How can a conclusion be written by using the introduction: The author supports the idea that bison play in groups.....
To summarize, this is how the author supports the idea that bison play in groups .
PQA this question: How does the author support the idea that bison play in groups .
The author supports the idea that bison play in groups .......
What is PQA?
Put the question in the answer.
What is the support your claim and use evidence from the text ?
Abby had seven pieces of chocolate. She gave three to Fernando. How many does she have left. How did you find your answer ? does Addy have left ?
Abby has four pieces left. I subtracted three from seven to find the answer .
When given a writing assignment it is more important to write as much as you can or to write as much as you need to answer the question?
It is important to write enough to answer the question.
When it snows out i like to make snow angels. Find the mistake .
The "i" should be capitalized.
What is the role of a narrator?
A narrator tells the story .
When given a passage followed by questions what should you do first?
Read the questions first .
What is 6 x 6 ?
What is an antagonist in a story .
The antagonist is the villain in the story .
What is a protagonist? ?
A protagonist is the hero or heroine is a story.
Explain why 2 + 2 is the same as 2 x 2.
any reasonable answer.
Is 5 x 2 the same as 5 + 5 .
How should a new paragraph always begin?
A new paragraph always begins by indenting the first word..
Which fraction is the largest ? 1/2, 1/16, 1/4 or 1/20