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gerunds and infinitives speaking practise
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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I____ (fed up/ with)..........
I'm fed up with cleaning my house
This Christmas, Susan _____ (look/ forward / to).........
This Christmas, Susan is looking forward to sleeping for two weeks (and maybe making a snowman)
He _____ (like/ be) a millionaire.
He would like to be a millionaire.
I was good at ................ when I was at school.
I was good at doing gymnastics when I was at school.
He ______ (hate/ dream) about dogs.
He hates dreaming about dogs.
At the beach, I like..........
At the beach, I like relaxing and eating ice cream.
I ...... (try/ not/ to)........... too often.
I try not to drink coffee too often.
He _____ (try/ to)......... every day.
He tries to brush his teeth every day.
If I have enough time, I'd like to............ this week.
If I have enough time, I'd like to buy some Christmas presents this week.
I hate......... in the winter.
I hate ice skating in the winter.
He _____(would/ like).........
He would like to order a pizza.
They ______ (like/ dance) in the street.
They like dancing in the street.
I'd love _________ (eat)........right now.
I'd love to eat some chocolate right now.
After the class, I want_____________........
After the class, I want to drink some hot wine.
He/ think/ of/ buy/ new sofa
He's thinking of buying a new sofa
She _______ (not/ like/ walk) in the snow.
She doesn't like walking in the snow.
This weekend, I______ (plan/ to)....
This weekend, I'm planning to visit the Christmas market.
I'm good at ____ (cook)........
I'm good at cooking spaghetti
skiing/ I'm/ forward/ going/ to/ looking/ winter/ this
I'm looking forward to going skiing this winter
Next summer, I'd like ______ (visit).........
Next summer, I'd like to visit.....
The cat/ not good/ cooking
The cat isn't good at cooking.
Susan/ love/ drink/ tea/ in the morning.
Susan loves drinking tea in the morning.
He/ fed up/ work
He's fed up with working
I don't enjoy .......... at the weekend.
I don't enjoy going shopping at the weekend.