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Extensive reading U12

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In desert, wind blows sand and makes big shapes like mountains. These shapes are _____ _____.
In desert, wind blows sand and makes big shapes like mountains. These shapes are sand dunes.
Some animals live ______ because it is colder.
Some animals live underground because it is colder.
People travel in desert on ______.
People travel in desert on camels.
Many animals in the desert are ______. They sleep during days and come out at night.
Many animals in the desert are nocturnal. They sleep during days and come out at night.
Antartica is a desert covered in ____ and ___.
Antartica is a desert covered in snow and ice.
The Gobi Desert is always very _____.
The Gobi Desert is always very cold.
The Sahara Desert is the ________ hot desert in the world.
The Sahara Desert is the biggest hot desert in the world.
Maria is going to visit a _______ which is called Arenal.
Maria is going to visit a volcano which is called Arenal.
Adult crocodiles are __________.
Adult crocodile are dangerous.
The howler monkeys are big and ______ or ________.
The howler monkey are big and black or brown.
The Black Guan has a ________ and _________.
The Black Guan has a blue face and red legs.
The biggest bird in the rainforest is the _______ _______
The biggest bird in the rainforest is the Black Guan.