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Contributions of American Indians Study Question ...

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the traditions, skills, arts, beliefs, and other ways of life of a certain people at a certain time
a tradition that people have done for a long time
Something a person gives or does to HELP others
The expression of human CREATIVITY and imagination is ____.
Past events shared by SPOKEN stories and songs are called_______.
oral history
A relative who lived BEFORE you is an ____________.
A fictional story that includes a moral lesson is called a _________.
Totem poles, paintings, baskets, and blankets are all examples of American Indian _________.
In what ways did American Indians pass down their history?
by storytelling and singing songs
How do American Indians contribute to the United States today?
They vote, hold offices, and work in their communities
What types if images or topics are commonly included in American Indian art and stories?
animals and other forms of nature