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Is it Alliteration?

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Rhyme or Alliteration?
Rhyme or Alliteration?
Rhyme or Alliteration?
Rhyme or Alliteration?
Rhyme or Alliteration?
Rhyme or Alliteration?
Rhyme or Alliteration?
Rhyme or Alliteration?
Rhyme or Alliteration?
Rhyme or Alliteration?
Rhyme or Alliteration?
Use the letter F to create a sentence using alliteration for this picture!
F- Fox, furry, fluffy, frozen, friendly,
Use the letter R to create a sentence that uses alliteration to describe this picture-
Red, road, rustle, run,ramble, radiant , rise, rummage,
Use the letter b to create a sentence that uses alliteration for this picture!
B- bridge, big, bog, bend, beams, bass, beautiful,
Use the letter b to create a sentence that uses alliteration to describe this picture!
B- bees, buzzing, billions, big, beautiful, busy
Use the letter b to create a sentence that uses alliteration for this picture!
B- Boy, bear, big, brown, burly, beast, best,
Use the letter l to create a sentence that uses alliteration for this picture!
L- little, lonely, lion, lovely, lost, lugging, love, long, lift, laden, large
Use the letter G to create a sentence that uses alliteration for this picture!
G= Gummi bears, gooey, green, good, gobs, greedy, get, grasp, gimme!
Use the letter B to create a sentence that uses alliteration for this picture of grizzly bears!
B bear, brown, big, brawling, burly, beast, badgering
Use the letter S to create a sentence that uses alliteration to describe this picture.
S- sibling, sister, sweet, some, small, smell, scent
Use the letter T to create a sentence that uses alliteration to describe this picture.
T- twins, tiny, toys, two, toes, tender
Use the letter S to create a sentence that uses alliteration to describe this picture.
S- swans, swimming, soft, several, sunshine, silly, safe, slowly, searching, sunning, sipping
Use the letter S to create a sentence that uses alliteration to describe this picture.
swim, splash, swimmer, shallow, self, swampy, swim stroke, sport, sunset or sunrise
Use the letter F to create a sentence that uses alliteration to describe this picture.
F- Arctic Fox, fur, fuzzy, freezing, frozen, frosty, female, face, fabulous, foggy
Use the letter b to create a sentence that uses alliteration to describe this picture of the Northern Lights.
Beautiful, bold, big, blue, bright, blinking, beams, blending, bands, blanket
Use the letter S to create a sentence that uses alliteration to describe this picture.
Someone, silly, slice, sour, seems, several, seconds, stress, scumptious?!, Sweet?!,
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Mickey Mouse
Is it Alliteration?
No: Baskin Robbins
Is it Alliteration?
No: Instagram
Is it Alliteration?
No: Snapchat
Is it Alliteration?
No: Starbucks
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Kelloggs Corn Flakes
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Lululemon
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: American Airlines
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: King Kong
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Blues Brothers
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Krispy Kreme
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Dunkin Donuts
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Paypal
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Monet's Mini Mart
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Donald Duck
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Freaky Friday
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Chupa Chupa
Is it Alliteration?
Yes: Tic Tac
Is this Denny's ad using alliteration?
Yes: Pumpkin Pecan Pie Pancakes
Is this brand using alliteration?
Yes: Coca-Cola