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Health & Illness review for test 1

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How should you approach impending divorce with a pre-schooler?
maintain consistency and routines
A mental disorder that develops due to exposure to a traumatic event that can cause anxiety and can involve flashbacks.
post-traumatic stress disorder
When someone from one group takes on the characteristics of another group.
cultural assimilation
Which one of Erikson's stages involves center of the world thinking and role model imitation?
initiative vs guilt
When a patient decides to do acupuncture as well as take Percocet for their pain.
complimentary alternative medicine
Method of learning that employs rewards or punishments for behavior.
operant conditioning
Viewing one's own culture, group, or ethnicity as superior to others.
In Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, what it the level they are trying to achieve at the top of the triangle?
Providing quality and effective care to people with different beliefs, values, and behaviors.
Culturally competent care
Knowing that an object still exists, even when it is hidden.
object permanance
Beliefs about what is right and wrong.
Kohlberg said that people in this stage obey rules to avoid punishment.
Pre-conventional stage
Understands world through hypothetical thinking and scientific reasoning.
Formal operational
A tool that helps to assess family functioning.
family APGAR
Transferring negative feelings from one thing to another.