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GE B1+ - Unit 2 - Reading

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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20. It is important to __________ rules and regulations to ensure a safe and organized community.
a) look after
b) behave
c) wide-open space
d) benefit
19. __________ is crucial in maintaining a healthy ecosystem and biodiversity.
a) Organic produce
b) Attitude
c) Raising animals
d) Depending upon each other
18. The company's __________ is to create innovative solutions for a greener future.
a) behavior
b) intention
c) obey
d) impact
17. To reduce water consumption, some households use __________ for various purposes.
a) rainwater
b) natural resources
c) solar energy
d) valuable
16. She is __________ that using sustainable practices benefits both the environment and our health.
a) chop
b) pretty certain
c) available
d) claim
15. __________ in a team is essential to achieve common goals.
a) Raise animals
b) Play a full part
c) Valuable
d) Inner-city kids
14. Living in a __________ area allows people to enjoy nature and have more space.
a) wide-open
b) valuable
c) pretty certain
d) benefit
13. Students should __________ a respectful __________ towards their peers and teachers.
a) behave
b) be aware
c) look after
d) obey
12. The company's commitment to __________ has led to a decrease in environmental pollution.
a) recycling waste
b) wide-open space
c) benefits
d) rainwater
11. The __________ of teamwork is that everyone contributes to the overall success.
a) intention
b) awareness
c) impact
d) attitude
10. We must __________ the importance of recycling to minimize waste.
a) claim
b) raise animals
c) recycle waste
d) obey
9. The team's __________ is to reduce its carbon footprint by using renewable energy.
a) intention
b) impact
c) obey
d) available
8. The organization focuses on creating a __________ environment for inner-city kids.
a) valuable
b) wide-open space
c) attitude
d) play a full part
7. Organic __________ is preferred by many for its health and environmental benefits.
a) chop
b) pretty certain
c) natural resources
d) produce
6. The teacher reminded the students to __________ on a weekly basis for better learning.
a) depend upon each other
b) look after
c) recycle waste
d) claim
5. Using __________ is a sustainable way to harness power from the sun.
a) solar energy
b) recycle waste
c) rainwater
d) benefit
4. She has a __________ vegetable plot in her backyard where she grows fresh produce.
a) significant
b) available
c) wide-open space
d) vegetable plot
3. __________ play a full part in preserving natural resources for future generations.
a) Inner-city kids
b) Raise animals
c) Solar energy
d) We all
2. It's crucial to __________ environmental laws to protect our planet.
a) obey
b) chop
c) behave
d) claim
1. The manager's __________ was evident in the way he led the team.
a) attitude
b) impact
c) intention
d) valuable