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Project Explore 3 - idioms + relative clauses

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Aisha jumped for ________when she passed her driving test.
Aisha jumped for JOY when she passed her driving test.
Rob had _________in his______on his first date with Penny.
Rob had BUTTERFLIES in his STOMACH on his first date with Penny.
When Dad got the bill for dinner, he saw_____.
When Dad got the bill for dinner, he saw RED.
I'm so annoyed with this computer I could ____my____out.
I'm so annoyed with this computer I could TEAR my HAIR out.
Tom's little brother made his mum_____ out of her ____.
Tom's little brother made his mum JUMP out of her SKIN.
You need to have ______of _____to dive from there!
You need to have NERVES of STEEL to dive from there!
The film was so frightening it made her ________stand on _______.
The film was so frightening it made her HAIR stand on END.
That is an ambulance. It takes people to hospital.
That is an ambulance WHICH/THAT takes people to hospital.
That is the scientist. She tests things in the laboratory.
That is the scientist WHO/THAT tests things in the laboratory.
Those are the knives. They cut up the food.
Those are the knives WHICH/THAT they cut up the food.
A policeman is a person. He catches criminals.
A policeman is a person WHO/THAT catches criminals.
That's the doctor. She looked after my father in hospital.
That's the doctor WHO/THAT looked after my father in hospital.
Here is the castle. It was very scary.
Here is the castle WHICH/THAT was very scary.
This is the man. He made me jump out of my skin.
This is the man WHO/THAT made me jump out of my skin.
This is the game. It was fun to play.
This is the game WHICH/THAT  was fun to play.