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"Finally, Something Mysterious" - Chapter 9 Revi ...
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What did Paul think of Janice's music playing?
weird / odd / mysterious / couldn't look away / mesmorizing / flawless
"A low booming rumble poured out of her tuba, reverberating off the enormous trees." What does reverberating mean?
sound bouncing off something
"Janice moved like a robot ballerina, her legs twisting and planting, twisting and planting." This is an example of what type of figurative language?
simile ("like")
How did Paul get to the swamp?
He ran there, very quietly so Janice didn't see him
What type of figurative language is seen here... "Snap. The sound of the branch breaking in my hand echoed through the woods." (simile / metaphor / onomatopoeia / alliteration / idiom)
onomatopoeia (sound word)
What did Paul do when he got home that night?
He texted the One & Onlys
Why was this chapter titled "Moonlight Serenade"?
Janice was serenading the ducks with her music by the moonlight.
What song was Janice playing on her instrument?
"We are the Champions"
What was Janice doing near the swamp?
playing her tuba
What does Paul see bobbing up and down in the swampy water?
a rubber duck
Where does Paul follow Janice at night?
Into the only swamp in Bellwood
When Paul can't sleep, he sees ___ come out of her garage riding a ___.
Janice riding her scooter