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Dolores O'Riordan, the voice of Ireland

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name three mental illnesses that Dolores suffered.
Anorexia, depression, bipolar disorder
When did Dolores die?
She died on the 15th of January, 2018
Where did she die?
She died in a hotel in London.
When did she get divorced?
She got divorced in 2014.
Did she work as a singer outside The Cranberries?
Yes, she did
How many children did Dolores have?
Which of these is not a Cranberries' song? A. Linger B. Zombie C. Clocks D. Dreams
What was the name of her band?
The Cranberries
How many instruments could she play?
What did she use to do after school?
She used to play with her brothers.
Her family lived in a big city. True or False?
How many brothers and sisters did she have?
When was she born?
On the 6th of September, 1971.
Where was Dolores O'Riordan born?
She was born in Ballybricken, Limerick, Ireland.