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The Constitution

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name some Referendums that were implemented (successful)
Divorce, Gay Marriage, Children's Referendum, Abortion, etc
What is your due process rights?
Everybody has the right to a fair trial
What happens if an official document is not produced in both English and Irish?
You can sue as under Article 8, you can conduct your business in either of the official languages
Can you be discriminated against because of your religion?
What is a Referendum?
A Referendum is a vote to change the Constitution by popular vote
What is the word for the Courts in Ireland under the Constitution?
The Judiciary
What is the word for the Oireachtas and the President?
The Legislature
What are the two Houses of Government or the Oireachtas?
Dáil Éireann and Seanád Éireann
What is the word for the President and the Council of State?
The Executive
What is the Official Title of the President?
President of Ireland, Protector of the Constitution and Commander of the Defence Forces
Does Ireland have a State religion? (one religion that is enshrined in the Constitution as the main religion of the country)
No - Article 44.2.2 states 'The State guarantees not to endow any religion'
Who originally wrote the Constitution?
Eamonn De Valera
How many languages is the Constitution written in? Name them
2 - English and Irish
How many Articles has the 1937 Constitution got?
How many Constitutions has Ireland had?