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Animal Groups Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 animals that are fish
Name 3 animals that are birds
What's your favourite animal group?
What do baby mammals like to drink?
Which animal group has webbed feet?
Which animal group has a beak?
Which animal group does this belong to?
Which animal group does this belong to?
Which animal group does this belong to?
Which animal group does this belong to?
Which animal group does this belong to?
Which animal group does this belong to?
Which animal groups are warm-blooded?
Mammals, Birds
Which animal groups are cold-blooded?
Reptiles, Fish, Amphibians, Insects
Which animal group does not have arms or legs?
Fish! They have fins.
Which animal group can fly?
Which animal group has the highest number of species?
Do amphibians have wings?
No, they don't.
Where do fish live?
In the water / In the ocean / In the river / In the lake...
Do mammals have scales?
No, they have fur or hair.
Do birds have fur?
No, they have feathers.
Do reptiles have warm blood?
No, they don't.
Which animals have live babies?
Which animals lay eggs?
bird, amphibian, fish, insect, reptile
Name 3 animals that are insects
Name 3 animals that are reptiles
Name 3 animals that are mammals