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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do buyers know, sellers know, and consumers never know?
A glass filled with water, how to get the water at the bottom of the glass without pouring the water out?
Use a straw.
What lies down when walking, what stands also lies down, but what lies down stays standing?
There is 1 buffalo. Its head is facing the rising sun. It turns left 2 times, then turns back, then turns right 2 times. Which direction does its tail point?
Point to the ground.
There is a basket of apples, there are three apples in the basket, how can you divide it among 3 people, one apple for each person, and still have one apple left in the basket?
Then give 1 fruit to the first 2 people each. With one apple left in the basket, give the entire basket containing the apple to the other person
Where there are roads, but no vehicles; there are houses, but no people; There are supermarkets, companies... but no goods... What kind of place is that?
At the map
What is between the sky and earth?
What can carry a large piece of wood but cannot carry a pebble?
There are two wide-mouthed jars filled with water. How to put all the water in a pot and still know which water belongs to which pot (don't put the whole pot or any other water container in the pot)?
Let it freeze into ice.
What does the panda wish for but never get?
Because pandas only have 2 colors: black and white, he wishes to take color photos
The blue ghost hits once and dies, the red ghost hits twice and dies. How can both of them die with just 2 hits?
Hitting the blue ghost first was 1. The red ghost was so scared that his face turned pale (turned blue). Smash this new blue ghost again and that's enough 2.
People discovered the dead body of a young man hanging from the roof of the house. Below his feet, about 20 cm from the floor, was a large puddle of water. Ask him how he could climb to the roof and commit suicide?
He committed suicide by standing on an ice block!
What can be cut and not broken, pulled apart and not dried, burned and not burned?
When does 5 divided by 3 equal 2?
When we do wrong.
A calls B uncle, B calls C grandfather, C calls D uncle, D calls E aunt, E calls F uncle, F calls Z son. What does A call Z?
by mouth
The picture of Monalisa, this beauty has nothing?
No eyebrows.
The head is like a cat, the feet are like a cat, and the ears are like a cat, but it's not a cat. So what is it?
No parents react when teachers hit children in class, why?
Because this is the class of the orphanage.
Parents have six sons, each son has a younger sister. How many people are there in that family?
9 people (6 sons, 1 younger sister and father, mother).
In a race, you just passed the last person. So what position are you in?
Last (Because there cannot be the last person and you are still behind the last person).
A toad skin wrapped in tapioca starch, tapioca starch wrapped in chicken eggs, and the smell is so delicious that the whole family wants to eat it. What is that?
Things that have the same square head and tail, a body divided into many segments very quickly and evenly, a lovely and sincere personality, want to know the length and shortness of everything with you? What?
It is square, the door is closed at both ends. 100 guys crawled out one by one. Whoever doesn't have a hat will be spared, whoever has a hat will have his head burned. What is that?
Match box
In which sport, the more you win, the more you lose?
Car racing
Which side is round and high? Beautiful peach sunshine?
Because of me I have to hit me, because of me I have to hit you. Ask what are you doing?
Smash mosquitoes
I have 4 legs, 1 back but no body. Who I am?