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To find a customer, what details can be searched in salesforce?
Phone, Name, email address, address
Once the solar system is installed, turned on and operating, the customer is considered?
In-service and billing begins. At this point the dealer is no longer involved with the customer.
Installation typically takes_________ to complete from contract signature to in-service date
4-6 months
Name 3 basic eligibilities that are required for a customer to go Solar with Sunnova
Must meet minimum credit standards, must own and live in the property, property must be residential.
Who designs and sells the solar system?
What is a LEAD?
Potential customers- these are customers that have yet not signed a solar contract.
What happens during a power utility outage for customers that have Solar- only systems?
All systems are grid- tied if the customer does not have storage/ Battery the system will turn off to safeguard utility line employees.
What happens with the excess energy that the system produces if the customer does not have Net- metering?
The excess energy is dispersed to the ground also knows as solar curtailment.
Sunnova has a network of over how many dealers?
Over 260 Dealers
what is the Sunnova home page/ website?