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Boxing trivia

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Who holds the record for the fastest knockout in professional boxing history, securing victory in just 1.5 seconds? Tip: he's a Puerto Rican professional boxer who competed from 1988 to 2002.
Daniel Jiménez
Davi Jiménez
Javier Jiménez
Julio Jiménez
Who is the first boxer to win world titles in eight different weight divisions? Tip: he's a Filipino professional boxer who competed from 1995 to 2021.
Manny Pacquiao
Danny Pacquiao
Carlos Pacquiao
Popó Pacquiao
In boxing, what is the term for a match that ends with no winner or loser?
Which boxing posture is considered more defensive, orthodox or southpaw?
Southpaw - because a left-handed boxer can create a more awkward and challenging angle for an orthodox (right-handed) opponent.
Who was the first African-American to become the heavyweight boxing champion of the world?
Jack Johnson
Boris Johnson
Elton Johnson
Johnson & Johnson
What is the size of a standard boxing ring in meters?
6.10 meters by 6.10 meters (20 feet by 20 feet)
Which famous movie features a heavyweight champion played by Sylvester Stallone?
What piece of equipment must boxers wear to protect their teeth during a match?
In boxing, what does the term "TKO" stand for?
Technical Knockout
Thanks, Kelly Osbourne
Teacher Knows "Oll"
Tremendous Knockout
Which famous boxer was known as "Iron Mike"?
Mike Tyson
Mike Jackson
Rocky Balboa
Dolph Lundgren
What is the term for a quick, powerful punch that travels a short distance?
Which boxer is known for having an undefeated record of 50-0 in professional boxing?
Floyd Mayweather Jr.
Floyd Juneweather Jr.
Floyd Mayweather Sr.
Floyd Marchweather Jr.
What is the maximum number of rounds in a professional boxing match today?
12 rounds
8 rounds
20 rounds
16 rounds
In which country did the sport of boxing originate?
Who is considered the "Greatest of All Time" in boxing?
Muhammad Ali