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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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....... you happy to go to school? ....... you like it?
Where .......... your parents go on holiday?
How old ........ Ann?......... she Italian?
....... Susan like sweets?
Does Susan like sweets?
...... you 10 years old?
Are you 10 years old?
....... he drive a car?
Does he drive a car?
..... he English?
Is he English?
....... he like frogs?
Does he like frogs?
....... she a student?
Is she a student?
........ he usually work late?
Does he usually work late?
....... they at the cinema just now?
Are they at the cinema just now?
....... we need to hurry?
Do we need to hurry?
........ they live in Poland?
Do they live in Poland?
.........it warm outside?
Is it warm outside?
.......you have any money?
Do you have any money?
........... David drink coffee?
Does David drink coffee?
....... he from Italy?
Is he from Italy?
....... you want a biscuit?
Do you want a biscuit?
........ Julia at home?
Is Julia at home?
...........Amanda speak Portuguese?
Does Amanda speak Portuguese?
............you cold?
Are you cold?