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If your suitcases are too heavy, you can always use a ___________ to help yoy carry them.
In some destinations, once you arrive you sometimes have to go past through the ___________ _____________ where you will see a police officer.
passport control
We have already printed the boarding passes, so we just need to find the _____ ______ to leave the suitcase.
bag drop
After the plane has landed you will have to take your suitcase at the __________ __________ section.
baggage reclaim
Depending on your flight you will have to go to one t_____________ or another.
When you travel you need to first show your p______________ or I__________ card.
passport/identity card
Regarding departings shown on screens, you will check the departure time and the ________________ you have to address.
gate number
If you have a pointed object, e.g. scissors you will have problems at the ___________.
security check
You will take it to go to the first floor or upper ones.
It´s the first thing you do at the counter before given the boarding pass.